Time to Multiply is Generate’s giving campaign for church planters & church planting.
Generate is the U.S. Ministries of the Missionary Church. We want our resources, our 150 years of experience, and our vast network of churches to be fuel for new disciples and churches.
Generate exists for one purpose:
Equip churches and church planters so they can see the vision God gave them come to life.

We are a family of churches that care more about our mission than our methods and the institution.
Our mission is simple: to multiply disciples, churches, and networks to the fourth generation.
God gave you a vision.
We want to see it come to life.
We do this through:
We weren’t designed to do life alone – and you weren’t designed to do ministry alone either!
Generate training is done nation-wide and world-wide at some of the largest church leadership conferences and in locally arranged settings.
No team is successful without great coaching, and we believe the same thing about church pastors and church planters.
The integrity of the capital “C” Church is one that we must protect and defend at all cost. The Generate credentialing process is designed to do just that.
With the backing of the Missionary Church and its Missionary Church Investment Foundation (MCIF), Generate is able to provide funding and loans.